We apply it everyday for various things, just we never retrieve most it. Yet if your water heater stops working, we immediately notice. Your water heater is essential to your happiness, whether for your 7 AM blistering-hot wake-upwards shower, your post-work relaxation baths, or letting the dishes soak before you launder them.

If you lost your hot water, information technology would be a personal disaster. Simply you've had your hot h2o heater for years and haven't had any issues. In fact, you tin't even recollect when you had your water heater installed.

This starts you thinking: "when should I replace my hot h2o heater?" You lot know information technology doesn't last forever, but you lot take no idea how long they're supposed to stick around.

Your Hot H2o Tank Should Exist Replaced Every 8-12 Years

The average lifespan of a hot water tank is between eight-12 years if information technology's high-quality, was properly installed, and has been properly taken care of since installation. An early sign that tells y'all it'due south fourth dimension to replace your hot water tank is if your hot water is only lukewarm.

This might not seem like a long time, but a hot water tank e'er has hot water in it, waiting for you to demand it. That means that for 24 hours a twenty-four hours, 365 days a year, your hot h2o tank is in use. When something is used consistently, it eventually wears down and needs to be replaced. In the case of a hot water tank, the problem is rust.

Rusty Tanks Lead to Water Harm

That always-present water carries minerals that cause corrosion within the tank. Normally, an anode rod in the tank volition attract those particles and keep your tank in great shape. Simply when the anode rod is worn out, the minerals will kickoff eating away at the tank lining. While these minerals are not harmful to us, they will accept a price on the tank, particularly the tank's lesser.

When a tank'southward bottom rusts out, there's nothing keeping the water inside. Water starts pouring out at an alarming rate, and because it's connected to your water supply, it won't stop until you shut off the water to your tank. You're left with a huge, plush mess to clean upward.

A Tankless H2o Heater Tin can Last Every bit Long equally 20 Years

Past dissimilarity, a tankless h2o heater doesn't hold well-nigh as much water because information technology only heats it as we need it. This means that a tankless water heater will last longer than a water tank. In fact, some tankless water heaters tin can last as long as 20 years with the proper care.

Tip: Now is the perfect time to reevaluate what kind of h2o heater you need. Check out our guide to assistance you make your decision >

Is Your Hot Water Heater Getting Up At that place in Years?

If yous've been asking yourself "when should I supercede my hot water heater", now is the perfect fourth dimension to bank check. All you have to exercise is await at the manufacturer'due south label on your water heater. If the engagement of installation isn't on the sticker, write down the serial number. Frequently the date and year the h2o heater was built is included in the series lawmaking. It just takes a bit of decoding to figure out.

Depending on the brand of water heater, the engagement will exist arranged differently. When in doubt, telephone call united states to help you effigy it out.

Other Signs Information technology's Time to Supercede Your Water Heater

It's not merely historic period that signals the end of a water heater's life. If y'all see any of these other signs, call us to accept your h2o heater replaced.

Discoloured Water

There are several reasons that your water may become discoloured, and one of them is your water heater.

When you run into rust-coloured water, starting time check where it's coming from. If y'all turn on the common cold water and it runs clear, only the hot h2o is discoloured, that'due south an indicator that your water heater is at fault.

Call us to come and affluent out your hot water heater. If afterward a thorough cleaning the water is even so discoloured, nosotros'll requite you some recommendations on replacing information technology.

Information technology's Making Odd Noises

Houses make dissonance, especially if they're older homes. Merely you lot've lived there long enough to recognize a regular noise vs. i that signals something's wrong.

Your water heater could be the source of a whole strange-dissonance orchestra of creaks, bangs, and clunking.

Luckily, after over xl years, we've learned a matter or two about all the strange noises that can occur. If your hot h2o heater starts talking to you, nosotros'll figure out what the problem is and provide some solutions.

Y'all're Experiencing Leaks

A leaking water heater is bad, and non just for the heater itself. It could cause water damage to other parts of your home, or bulldoze up your water bill if left unchecked.

Nosotros recommend making a regular inspection of your water heater for any leaks. If you lot discover one, call us immediately to come help.

Tip: Leaks well-nigh often apply to hot water tanks. Tankless h2o heaters have a shut off valve if something is wrong.

Should I Replace My Water Heater Before It Fails?

Many people don't fix something until it's broken. Only when it comes to your h2o heater, you don't want to wait until yous wake up 1 morning and discover yous're going to be having water ice baths for the foreseeable hereafter.

And so how exercise you find out y'all should become a new h2o heater before it fails? An almanac maintenance check will give you a better idea of the status of your h2o heater.

That'southward correct: your water heater needs some annual TLC too! Not only will yous exist able to get expert advice on when to replace your water heater, simply a tuneup will actually extend its life, and help it run more than efficiently!

Tip: A great time to schedule h2o heater maintenance is earlier winter actually sets in, because y'all can winterize it at the same fourth dimension >

We'll Get Y'all the Perfect New Hot Water Heater

We know information technology's stressful and frustrating to plow the tap and find no hot h2o. If you find yourself in that situation, or know that information technology's time to replace your hot h2o heater, talk to us. We'll be able to provide you with all the information and services yous need to become your hot water back.

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