
How To Identify The Claim

What Is a Claim in Writing? Examples of Argumentative Statements

Are you wondering, "What is a merits in writing?" When you brand an argument in writing and back it up with supporting prove, y'all are making a claim. Claims are very common in inquiry papers and certain types of essays.

argumentative statements of claim and counterclaim examples argumentative statements of claim and counterclaim examples

Making Claims in Writing

Making a merits in your writing allows you to present the chief idea of the document in the course of an argument that y'all volition support with evidence throughout the document. A claim statement is a type of thesis statement in which you present the primary idea of what you are writing in the course of an argument. Recollect of claims like a thesis argument in the course of an statement.

  • Claims are matters of stance, but they are stated as if they are facts and backed upwards with prove.
  • Whatsoever time you make a debatable statement in writing that is backed up with facts and/or other types of bear witness, you are using a claim.

Statement vs. Claim Example

Argumentative claims don't have to be complex, but they do have to exist more than simply a fact-based statement that is obviously truthful. Instead, claims should be statements that are up for debate. Equally a writer, your goal is to finer fence in favor of your claim. Review the examples below to develop a better understanding of what is a claim in an essay.

  • argument - If you open an essay by stating, "I own a cell telephone," this is not an example of a claim in writing. Assuming that you lot exercise, in fact, own a cell phone, this is but a statement of fact. It is not something that is arguable.
  • claim - If y'all open by stating, "Every centre school student should take their own cell telephone," this is a claim. This is not something that everyone agrees upon. Your paper will need to focus on supporting this claim with prove.

Types of Writing That Utilize Claims

Claims are common in different types of writing, including documents created for school assignments or in the professional world.

  • argumentative essays - These essays focus on an effect that is controversial, presenting evidence that backs up the writer'south claim.
  • research papers - Academic inquiry papers are designed specifically to provide bear witness to confirm or refute the writer's hypothesis, which is a blazon of claim.
  • literary assay - When engaged in literary analysis, writers make a claim near a literary work, and then provide evidence from information technology to support their merits.
  • persuasive essays - Persuasive essays are a blazon of argumentative essay. They utilise fact-based information every bit evidence to back up a writer's claim.
  • persuasive speeches - Persuasive speeches are presented orally, just many start with an outline focused on providing evidence for a chief claim.
  • persuasive memos - Persuasive memos are oft designed to convince readers to believe or act on a merits backed upward by evidence.

What Is Prove in Writing?

In order to support a merits in writing, you will need to provide show. Testify is information that provides proof of or back up for an thought. Your claim argument should be a logical conclusion that you reached as a event of reviewing and understanding valid, reliable bear witness. Rather than expecting readers to simply believe that your claim is true, you'll demand to provide them with evidence they tin can consider to achieve their ain conclusion.

There are many types of evidence:

  • straight observation of a phenomenon or occurrence
  • primary research, such every bit an experiment or content analysis
  • synthesis of secondary research, such as a literature review
  • information gathered from investigative interviews
  • facts, statistics or other data
  • practiced opinions
  • examples of by behavior

It's important to exist aware that the fact you can find evidence in favor of your claim does non necessarily hateful that your claim is a factual statement. At that place is also just as much evidence against a merits as there is testify for them. The thought of making a merits in writing is to present a logical, fact-based argument for the claim that you are making.

Argumentative Claim Examples

Review a few examples of argumentative claims to help clarify what is a claim in writing. These examples can help you identify claims when reading works of writing, as well equally provide you lot with inspiration when you lot need to write a claim statement.

  • Higher students today should focus on learning skills that will qualify them to work finer in a virtual environs.
  • School uniforms help promote an inclusive educational surround for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status.
  • In low-cal of the severity of contempo hurricanes, living almost the coast is becoming increasingly chancy.
  • Yoga provides both physical and mental wellness benefits.
  • Concrete is the best building material for residential structures.
  • Children under the historic period of 12 should not exist immune to have social media profiles.
  • Spending more than an hour per twenty-four hour period on housework is a waste of time.
  • People who become at least 10,000 steps per day are healthier than those who don't.
  • Eating too many carbohydrates is the master reason some people are overweight.
  • Dining in restaurants is actually more economical for individuals or couples than cooking at home.

Annotation that the statements to a higher place are not ordinarily accepted facts. You may agree with some of these, simply chances are that you don't agree with all of them. Each example to a higher place is a thing of opinion. If you write about any of these, you volition need to back up with evidence in an effort to prove your indicate. Readers will decide whether or not they agree with your statement base on how effectively you lot brand your point, besides as their ain knowledge and/or opinion well-nigh the topic.

What to Include in a Claim Paragraph

An belligerent merits will more often than not appear in the first paragraph of a certificate. The claim argument is usually paired with a hook to form the introductory paragraph of an essay or other certificate. The claw is designed to capture reader involvement then they volition desire to learn more than, while the claim argument lets them know what bespeak will exist argued in the paper.

What Is a Counterclaim in Writing?

When someone presents an alternative statement to your merits, that is a counterclaim. Another discussion for a counterclaim is a rebuttal. When someone presents a counterclaim, they are making a merits of their own. It will exist upward to them to state their counterclaim, and then seek to back it up with evidence (but as you did when making the initial merits).

  • claim - making an argument and backing it up with evidence
  • counterclaim - presenting a rebuttal to a merits and backing it up with evidence

Debates involve claims (arguments) and counterclaims (rebuttals). When people participate in a argue, they set up arguments for their claims and deliver strong rebuttals to the claims of their opponents.

Explore Argumentation and Debate

At present that you lot know what a merits is in writing, consider taking a deeper swoop into how this advice strategy tin can be used in writing and contiguous communication. First past exploring fundamental means the terms argument and contend differ. From there, investigate how examples of rhetoric tin be used as a tool to persuade and motivate.

How To Identify The Claim,


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